Natrx provides the key technology in this coalition of innovative partners to help enhance and stabilize Louisiana’s shorelines.
We're proud to have our nature-based, adaptive infrastructure approach featured as the key technology in this effort by an innovative group of partners to bolster shoreline resilience in the communities of southern Lafourche Parish. Watch the video above for the story.
And you can read the Grow Louisiana Coalition's story about the project below:
Industry is utilizing partnerships to secure the latest technologies to help enhance and stabilize Louisiana’s shorelines.
Over the past eight years, ConocoPhillips and Ducks Unlimited have restored or enhanced over 800 acres immediately outside of the Larose to Golden Meadow Hurricane Protection System. This work provides shoreline protection, marsh enhancement and terracing that increase the resilience of the levee system and protect the surrounding communities. This area is exposed to increasing storm surges and weather events such as the storms hitting the Louisiana coast in 2020 and 2021, as well as erosion from day-to-day tidal action.
Natrx, A Shell GameChanger company, utilized its intelligent, adaptive infrastructure platform to create and install a set of custom reef modules nicknamed “Cajun Coral.” The goal of this installation was to stabilize 750 feet of a newly completed marsh creation project. With the help of Danos, 180 feet of the custom-designed Cajun Coral was installed along with 620 feet of ultralight oyster stakes.
Learn more about the world’s first Cajun Coral installation and see how the oil and gas industry is incorporating innovative solutions to protect Louisiana’s coastal communities: Grow Louisiana Coalition Website