
Living Shorelines by Natrx

Sustainable Resilience.
Natural Balance.


We understand that erosion challenges can be overwhelming, and not knowing where to start is intimidating.

We've streamlined the process with our ReadyQuote technology, which quickly analyzes your site's specific erosion and habitat challenges and delivers a detailed plan for addressing your issues.

We can work with you or your contractor to deliver a resilience solution that is high-performance, cost-effective, and offers ongoing environmental and ecological benefits. Unlike other solutions, Natrx Living Shorelines are designed with natural aesthetics that blend beautifully with their surroundings.


Get started quickly with ReadyQuote™.

ReadyQuote is our streamlined analysis and planning tool. Getting started is as easy as providing the parameters and characteristics of your site. We can often have a plan for you or your contractor within a week or two.


Natrx Living Shorelines
Process Overview:

1. Project Information Session
2. ReadyQuote Site Analysis
3. Natrx ExoForm Production 
4. Safe and Quick Installation
5. Site Performance Report

Living Shorelines Benefits:

Straightforward Process
Erosion Resilience

Storm Protection
Better Water Quality
Marine Habitat Restoration
New Habitat Generation

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Resilience Center of Excellence
2546 State Road 662
Morgan City, LA 70380

Enterprise Office
6220 Angus Drive, Suite 101
Raleigh, NC 27617
(919) 263-0667