Hog Island

A nature-based wetland protection and habitat restoration solution using Natrx ExoForms™ along Hog Island in Gloucester County, Virginia, an area which has historically experienced severe erosion. The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration identifies Hog Island as a top priority for Federal Chesapeake Bay habitat restoration activities.


Where: Gloucester County, Virginia

When: July 2023


Partners: Middle Peninsula Planning District,
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation,
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration

Project: Nature-based wetland protection and habitat restoration

Application: Natrx ExoForms™ for high and low wave energy environments


  • Protect the residential and commercial properties
    along Monday Creek and the York River

  • Protect and enhance maritime habitat for shorebirds, oysters, and other marine life

  • Reduce erosion and sedimentation into the
    Chesapeake Bay


Quick and Safe Installation of Interlocking ExoForms™


  • Conducted geospatial analysis to identify erosional risk areas, optimize client budget, and develop conceptual design

  • Designed customized interlocking ExoForms for high-wave energy areas exposed to Mobjack Bay and low crested oyster reef ExoForms for low energy areas

  • Placed 972 linear feet of large stacked Natrx ExoForm™ units and 122 linear feet of low crested oyster reefs

  • Added available surface area for 14 million oysters that will filter water and provide foundational habitat

  • Will prevent 40,000 tons of eroding sediment from entering the bay system and contributing to suspended sediment and nutrient loading


Detail of Natrx ExoForms™ with Strategic Voids

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Corporate Headquarters
6220 Angus Drive, Suite 101
Raleigh, NC 27617

Resilience Center of Excellence
2546 State Road 662
Morgan City, LA 70380
(919) 263-0667