Hog Island
A nature-based wetland protection and habitat restoration solution using Natrx ExoForms™ along Hog Island in Gloucester County, Virginia, an area which has historically experienced severe erosion. The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration identifies Hog Island as a top priority for Federal Chesapeake Bay habitat restoration activities.
Where: Gloucester County, Virginia
When: July 2023
Partners: Middle Peninsula Planning District,
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation,
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Project: Nature-based wetland protection and habitat restoration
Application: Natrx ExoForms™ for high and low wave energy environments
Protect the residential and commercial properties
along Monday Creek and the York River
Protect and enhance maritime habitat for shorebirds, oysters, and other marine life
Reduce erosion and sedimentation into the
Chesapeake Bay
Quick and Safe Installation of Interlocking ExoForms™
Conducted geospatial analysis to identify erosional risk areas, optimize client budget, and develop conceptual design
Designed customized interlocking ExoForms for high-wave energy areas exposed to Mobjack Bay and low crested oyster reef ExoForms for low energy areas
Placed 972 linear feet of large stacked Natrx ExoForm™ units and 122 linear feet of low crested oyster reefs
Added available surface area for 14 million oysters that will filter water and provide foundational habitat
Will prevent 40,000 tons of eroding sediment from entering the bay system and contributing to suspended sediment and nutrient loading
Detail of Natrx ExoForms™ with Strategic Voids
Our process is designed to deliver high-performance resilience solutions in a wide range of habitats and locations. Each solution is custom and starts with a few simple questions. Get in touch and let's find the right solution to your challenge.
Corporate Headquarters
6220 Angus Drive, Suite 101
Raleigh, NC 27617
Resilience Center of Excellence
2546 State Road 662
Morgan City, LA 70380
(919) 263-0667